how to get pal fluids palworld

how to get pal fluids palworld

Welcome to the quirky and captivating world of Palworld, where adorable creatures known as Pals roam the lands. Building, farming, and exploration are key features of this game, but to truly advance, you'll need a steady supply of a peculiar substance: Pal Fluids. 

These precious liquids are vital for constructing various amenities for your Pals and enhancing your Palworld experience. Let's delve into the where, why, and how of procuring Pal Fluids.

Why Pal Fluids Matter

Think of Pal Fluids as the lifeblood of your Palworld infrastructure. Here's a small glimpse into their importance:

  1. Happy Pals = Healthy Pals: Constructing a Hot Spring with Pal Fluids provides an essential relaxation spot, ensuring your hardworking Pals stay cheerful and productive.
  2. Building Blocks of Progress: Cement, another valuable item crafted using Pal Fluids, is a fundamental building material that opens up a plethora of construction possibilities.
  3. Exploration Fuel: Want to cross vast bodies of water? Pal Fluids are necessary to construct a sturdy Raft, allowing you and your Pals to embark on new adventures.

The Source: Water-Type Pals

The primary source of Pal Fluids is a specific subset of Pals: Water-types. These creatures embody the water element and carry this valuable liquid within them.  Here's how to obtain it:

1. Identify Your Targets: Become familiar with Water-type Pals known to relinquish Pal Fluids. Early in the game, Pengullets (adorable penguin-like creatures) are ideal targets. Later, you can seek out these other Pal Fluid sources:

  • Teafant
  • Fuack
  • Celaray
  • Kelpsea
  • Surfent
  • Gobfin
  • Jormuntide 
  • Suzaku Aqua

2. Choose Your Approach: You have two options to extract Pal Fluids: 

  ✓ Capture: If you intend to befriend and add the Pal to your team, catching it will sometimes produce Pal Fluids.

   ✓ Defeat: Defeating a Water-type Pal in battle is a more direct method to obtain their fluids. Note that not all Water-type Pals guarantee a drop.

3. The Hunt: Seek out locations where Water-type Pals are abundant. Riversides, lakes, beaches, and coastal areas are your best bet. The further you explore, the more diverse Water Pals you'll encounter.

Tips for Efficient Pal Fluid Gathering

  • Bring the Right Pals: Water Pals are vulnerable to Electric attacks. Include potent Electric-type companions in your party to make battles swift and efficient.
  • Tools of the Trade: Utilize items that increase your capture rate, such as Capture Balls and Pal Treats, as they can indirectly help secure more Pal Fluids.
  • Bulk Farming: If you need a stockpile of Pal Fluids, identify zones with a high concentration of suitable Pals and embark on a focused farming session.
  • Don't Be Shy: Experiment with defeating or catching different Water-type Pals to learn which are most likely to yield Pal Fluids.

Beyond the Basics

As you progress in Palworld, keep these additional points in mind:

  1. Rarity Matters: Some Water Pals have lower drop rates for Pal Fluids. Be patient when targeting these elusive creatures.
  2. Multi-Purpose Materials: Pal Fluids have applications beyond the initial constructions. Keep a reserve on hand as your Palworld journey unfolds.
  3. Community Exchange: Palworld encourages interaction.  Consider trading or collaborating with other players who may have a surplus of Pal Fluids if you're facing a shortage.

The Essence of Progress

Pal Fluids form an integral part of your Palworld experience. Their value stems from the essential upgrades they enable for your Pals and the new horizons they open. With patience, persistence, and a little Pal-powered luck, you'll soon become a master of Pal Fluid procurement. So, go forth, explore, and build the ultimate haven for you and your unique companions!

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